For the second time in two years, the MetroHealth board has taken action to fire its CEO and president. Last Friday, the board terminated its employment contract with Dr. Airica Steed citing "poor performance" in doing so.
Steed, through a letter issued by her lawyers called the decision to fire her "denigrating," and said she will pursue legal action. She came on board as the leader for the MetroHealth system in 2022 after the board ousted her predecessor Dr. Akram Boutros.
The firing of Steed comes as the MetroHealth system announced recently that its financial performance is below expectations.
We will begin Wednesday's "Sound of Ideas" with Ideastream's health reporters discussing the latest on Steed's removal and what comes next for MetroHealth.
Later in this hour, when someone has a stroke, time is critical. The quicker a person can get treatment, the greater the chances they have of surviving the stroke and minimizing damage to the brain and body.
The Cleveland Clinic has been using a mobile stroke unit to get help to stroke patients quicker. The unit is a specialized ambulance that has a CT scanner on board and a telemedicine link to a neurologist for fast diagnosis and treatment. The unit marked its 10th anniversary recently.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says a stroke occurs every 40 seconds in the United States. Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability and the fifth leading cause of death in the United States.
We will talk about the work the Clinic's mobile stroke unit is doing.
Finally, we will talk to a near-centenarian about his long life of service, from World War II to volunteering at Playhouse Square.
-Taylor Wizner, Health Reporter, Ideastream Public Media
-Stephen Langel, Health Reporter, Ideastream Public Media
-Blake Buletko, MD, Vascular Neurologist, Cleveland Clinic
-Mike Wiertel, Patient
-Bill DeCapite, RedCoat Volunteer