State Reps. Michael Stinziano (D-Columbus) and Terry Johnson (R-McDermott) host a news conference, Wednesday, June 12th at the Ohio Statehouse. The topic: House Bill 170, legislation to expand access to the medication naloxone-a drug used to reverse overdoses of opioid painkillers and heroin.
H.B. 170 will:
Provide criminal liability protection to health-care providers who prescribe naloxone.
Authorize advance practice nurses and physician assistants to dispense naloxone.
Permits family and friends to possess and administer naloxone in the event of an overdose.
Permits law enforcement officers to possess and administer naloxone.
Authorizes emergency medical techician basics to administer naloxone.
Joining Reps. Stinziano and Johnson are:
Dr. Joan Papp
Lisa Roberts, PHN (project DAWN)
Detective Greg Mehling (Lorain County)