S. B. No. 47Huffman, S.Prohibit public employer granting paid leave-certainactivities1st Hearing,Sponsor
Sub. H. B. No. 289Robb Blasdel,SwearingenRegards SORN law compliance; add new sexuallyoriented offense1st Hearing,Sponsor
H. B. No. 531Lear, LorenzEnact Braden's Law to prohibit sexual extortion 1st Hearing(Pending Referral),Sponsor
S. B. No. 32*SchafferGrant immunity for self or other-defense in certaincircumstances5th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party
Am. H. B. No. 338*White, SweeneyAllow child support orders for children over 18 with adisability3rd Hearing,Opponent(Possible Amendments)
S. B. No. 233*DeMora, KunzeRegards on-track equipment when approaching arailroad crossing1st Hearing(Pending Rereferral),Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party(Possible Amendments)
Sub. H. B. No. 5Ray, BakerModernize the adoption process 2nd Hearing,Proponent(Possible Amendments)
Sub. H. B. No. 234Williams, RogersRegards imposing sentence on offender who enteredan Alford plea2nd Hearing,Proponent*Possible Vote
S. B. No. 101Antonio, Huffman,S.Abolish death penalty; modify juror challenges incertain cases3rd Hearing,Opponent/Interested Party