00:00:00Convene Session
00:00:02Roll Call
00:00:49Sub. H. B. No. 33
00:01:30Testimony - Kelly Gaier Evans, Ohio STEM Learning Network (Battelle)
00:07:26Testimony - Chris Berry, OHIOX
00:10:38Q&A - Sen. Craig
00:12:08Testimony - Chelsey Kohn, Cleveland Metropolitan School District & Cleveland State University
00:15:58Q&A - Sen. Brenner
00:18:16Q&A - Sen. Sykes
00:21:02Q&A - Sen. Blessing
00:24:06Testimony - John Dutton, Computer Science Teachers Association of Ohio
00:28:29Testimony - Cassie Barlow, SOCHE
00:34:23Testimony - Tracey Tomme, Ohio Institute for Informal Science Education
00:40:53Q&A - Sen. Hicks-Hudson
00:43:00Testimony - Michelle Francis, Ohio Library Council
00:52:23Testimony - Jay Smith, Ohio Library Council
01:00:50Testimony - Megan Wilson, The Cleveland Foundation
01:06:01Testimony - Bob Savage, Toledo Tomorrow and CoreNetwork Fund
01:12:59Testimony - Dr. Michele Scott Taylor, College Now Greater Cleveland
01:18:46Testimony - Kristina Scott, United Way of Greater Cincinnati
01:23:56Q&A - Sen. Hicks-Hudson
01:25:36Q&A - Sen. Brenner
01:28:58Testimony - Jack Hershey, Ohio Association of Community College
01:34:50Testimony - C. Todd Jones, Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio (AICUO)
01:47:47Testimony - Dr. David Harrison, Columbus State Community College
01:58:51Testimony - Kent Trofhotz,Ohio-Michigan Association of Career Colleges and Schools
02:11:12Testimony - Lisa Voigt, Ohio Conference AAUP
02:18:55Q&A - Sen. Cirino
02:22:57Testimony - Lynanne Gutierrez, Groundwork Ohio
02:30:01Testimony - Kelly Vyzral, Children's Defense Fund Ohio
02:33:13Q&A - Sen. Dolan
02:33:46Q&A - Sen. Sykes
02:34:02Testimony - Kimberly Tice, Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children
02:38:25Testimony - Amy Wachob, Goodwill of Northwest Ohio/OAGI
02:41:38Testimony - Anne Richards, Goodwill of Greater Cleveland/OAGI
02:44:01Testimony - Lance Deitrick, Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley /OAGI
02:47:03Q&A - Sen. Dolan
02:47:40Testimony - Kevin Duff, Ohio Excels
02:53:41Testimony - David Anderson, The Washington Center
03:00:35Q&A - Sen. Sykes
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