H.B. No. 460
Rep. Hambley, Rep. Skindell
To allow a partisan judicial candidate to appear on the general election ballot with a political party designation.
4th Hearing
Prop/Opp/IP PV
S.B. No. 259
Sen. Sykes
Authorizes the conveyance of state-owned real property
3rd Hearing
Prop/Opp/IP PS
S.B. No. 360
Sen. Obhof
Bar prohibiting commercial sale of firearms and ammunition
2nd Hearing
Prop/Opp/IP PA
S.B. No. 194
Sen. Rulli
Regards voter registration system approval; candidate protests
2nd Hearing
H.B. No. 586
Rep. Greenspan, Rep. Kelly
Revise government procurement requirements
2nd Hearing
S.B. No. 331
Sen. Roegner
Implement recommendations of Sunset Review Committee
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 73
Rep. Cera
Change Charitable Bingo Fees and Licensing Requirements
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 101
Rep. Cera
Conduct Presidential Primary Elections in May
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 187
Rep. Merrin, Rep. Wiggam
Prohibits Voting on Local Tax Proposals in August election
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 269
Rep. Miller, Rep. Crawley
Address Somali and East African affairs in Ohio
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 317
Rep Robinson, Rep. Miller
Limit how a gun may be transferred and require background check
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 363
Rep. Boyd
Designate Coming out day
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 393
Rep. Galonski
To make apple cider instead of tomato juice the official beverage of the state
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 395
Rep. Galonski
To require the Secretary of State to prepay postage for the return of completed absent voter's
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PAballots.
H.B. No. 398
Rep. Crawley, Rep. Sweeney
To establish the day of each general election as a legal holiday for which government employees receive paid leave.
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 452
Rep. Wilkin, Rep. Stephens
To revise and streamline the state's occupational regulations.
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 466
Rep. Sweeney
To create an automated voter registration system.
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 479
Rep. Patterson, Rep. Perales
To require certain baseball stadiums to install protective netting.
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 491
Rep. Crawley
To designate the fifteenth day of February as "Plastic Pollution Awareness Day."
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 517
Rep. Sweeney
Explicitly exempt building and fire codes from rule review
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No, 522
Rep. Sobecki, Rep. Swearingen
Authorize conservancy districts-collect/dispose of solid waste
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA
H.B. No. 526
Rep. Lang, Rep. Perales
Designate Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month
1st Hearing
Sponsor/Prop/Opp/IP PA