00:00:00Convene Session
00:00:03Roll Call
00:00:46Comment - Rep. Fowler Arthur
00:01:02Presentation - Department of Education and Workforce
00:01:21Testimony - Steve Dackin, Director, Department of Education and Workforce
00:05:06Testimony - Chris Woolard, Chief Integration Officer, Department of Education and Workforce
00:19:28Point of Personal Privilege - Rep. Fowler Arthur
00:19:55Q&A - Rep. Fowler Arthur
00:20:30Comment - Rep. Manning
00:20:50Q&A - Rep. Manning
00:24:42Q&A - Rep. Piccolantonio
00:29:41Q&A - Rep. Brennan
00:33:35Q&A - Rep. Dobos
00:35:39Q&A - Rep. Fowler Arthur
00:37:21Sub. S. B. No. 208
00:38:05H. B. No. 657
00:38:19H. B. No. 574
00:38:37H. B. No. 623
00:38:58Substitute Bill - Rep. Jones
00:40:43Testimony - Rep. David Dobos
00:44:04Testimony - Rep. Don Jones
00:46:28Q&A - Rep. Piccolantonio
00:53:10H. B. No. 657
00:53:26Testimony - Rep. Gail Pavliga
00:55:20Testimony - Rep. Tracy Richardson
00:58:22Q&A - Rep. Brennan
01:01:40Q&A - Rep. Whitted
01:04:03Q&A - Rep. Piccolantonio
01:07:54H. B. No. 407
01:08:14Substitute Bill - Rep. Fowler Arthur
01:09:39H. B. No. 591
01:10:04Testimony - Rep. Sean P. Brennan
01:14:24Testimony - Rep. Rachel B. Baker
01:17:00H. B. No. 592
01:17:27Testimony - Rep. Beryl Piccolantonio
01:21:11Testimony - Rep. Darnell T. Brewer
01:23:34H. B. No. 574
01:23:58Testimony - Rep. Phillip Robinson
01:26:46Testimony - Rep. Juanita Brent
01:31:25Q&A - Rep. J. Miller
01:33:25Q&A - Rep. Brennan
01:34:26H. B. No. 575
01:34:42Testimony - Rep. Phillip Robinson
01:37:15Testimony - Rep. Dani Isaacsohn
01:39:05H. B. No. 581
01:39:26Testimony - Rep. Beryl Piccolantonio
01:43:00Testimony - Rep. Dani Isaacsohn
01:45:50Q&A - Rep. Williams
01:51:16Sub. S. B. No. 208
01:52:01H. B. No. 407
01:52:12Substitute Bill - Rep. Fowler Arthur
01:53:40H. B. No. 407 - Vote
01:54:52H. B. No. 567
01:55:15Testimony - Rep. Phillip Robinson
01:58:22Testimony - Rep. Sean P. Brennan
02:02:48Q&A - Rep. Williams
02:07:18H. B. No. 582
02:07:32Testimony - Rep. Phillip Robinson
02:10:09Testimony - Rep. Beryl Piccolantonio
02:14:06Q&A - Rep. Williams
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