In 2004, Ohioans were subjected to inconsistent implementation of the state's voter identification laws and confusion over provisional ballots. In fact, 2.8% of ballots in Ohio were provisional, versus .9% for Pennsylvania and .3% for Florida. More importantly, 27% of Ohio's new registrants were forced to vote provisional ballots, versus only 3% of other registrants.
In 2008, the Secretary of State's office has partnered with local boards of elections to implement consistent standards for voter ID, provisional ballots, poll-worker training, and voter education. These efforts are already paying off, according to the Pew Charitable Trust, which says Ohio led the nation in the number of provisional ballots counted in the March 2008 primary.
Panelists include:
- Christy Chatman - WTVN Radio, Columbus
- Ned Foley - Professor of Law; Director of Election Law, Moritz College of Law
- Marilyn Jacobcik - Deputy Director, Lorain County Board of Elections