This annual memorial on the Veterans Plaza at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus is to honor the sacrifices Ohio military officers have made in service to their country.
Featuring Remarks by:
-Michael McKinney, Dir. of Communications
-Chaplain (COL) Andrew Aquino, Ohio National Guard
-John Snow, Gold Star Father
-Thomas N. Moe, Director Ohio Dept. of Veterans Services
-The Honorable John R. Kasich, Governor, State of Ohio
Featuring Music by:
-Michelle Hardin
-122nd Ohio Army National Guard Band, directed by CW4 Rob Kessler, Commander
-Madeline Owen
The ceremony honors the following service members who lost their lives:
Sergeant First Class Charles L. Adkins - U.S. Army
Private First Class William S. Blevins - U.S. Army
Chief Petty Officer Raymond J. Border - U.S. Navy
Staff Sergeant Christopher L. Brown - U.S. Army
Lance Corporal Peter J. Clore - U.S. Marine Corps
Staff Sergeant Robert B. Cowdrey - U.S. Army
Specialist Adam S. Hamilton - U.S. Army
Master Sergeant Shawn T. Hannon - Ohio Army National Guard
Specialist Robert P. Hartwick - U.S. Army
Sergeant First Class Bradley S. Hughes - U.S. Army
Corporal Adam D. Jones - U.S. Marine Corps
Sergeant Dennis E. Kancler - U.S. Marine Corps
Captain Joshua M. McClimans - U.S. Army Reserves
Lance Corporal Joshua B. McDaniels - U.S. Marine Corps
Sergeant Daniel J. Patron - U.S. Marine Corps
Master Sergeant Jeffrey J. Rieck - Ohio Army National Guard
Private First Class Gustavo A. Rios - U.S. Army
Captain Nicholas J. Rozanski - Ohio Army National Guard
First Lieutenant John M. Runkle - U.S. Army
Chief Warrant Officer Two Christopher R. Thibodeau - U.S. Army
First Lieutenant Ashley I. White-Stumpf - N.C. Army National Guard
Lance Corporal Terry C. Wright - U.S. Marine Corps
Corporal Paul W. Zanowick, II - U.S. Marine Corps