Ohio will maintain vital, necessary baseline orders to control the spread of COVID-19 while also implementing a new alert system.
Data Indicators:
A county's alert level is determined by seven data indicators.
Detailed descriptions for each indicator can be found on coronavirus.ohio.gov.
Alert Levels:
Alert Level 1 Public Emergency (Yellow): Baseline level. County has met zero or one indicator. Active exposure and spread. Follow all health orders.
Alert Level 2 Public Emergency (Orange): County has met two or three indicators. Increased exposure and spread. Exercise high degree of caution. Follow all current health orders.
Alert Level 3 Public Emergency (Red): County has met four or five indicators. Very high exposure and spread. Limit Activities as much as possible. Follow all current health orders.
Alert Level 4 Public Emergency (Purple): County has met six or seven indicators. Severe exposure and spread. Only leave home for supplies and services. Follow all current health orders.