Segment 1: The cold weather and wind chill make it hard to accept that spring is right around the corner, but just as sure as April brings showers, it also brings us tax deadlines and headaches, but it doesn't have to be a pain. Tax season can be a confusing time, filled with questions and concerns, but there is help available. Deborah Smith, the administrator of the personal and school district tax division for the Ohio Department of Taxation, and Bruce Gelsinger, the State Coordinator for the AARP Tax-Aide program for the Southeastern portion of the state, explain how to make April 2009 more enjoyable.
Segment 2: January is National Self Defense month and a good time to think about the things we could and should do to better protect ourselves. Seniors are considered easy targets, because many assume we are more vulnerable, but just paying attention and making wise decisions we can go a long to prevent ourselves from becoming victims. Monique Mapp, the activities director at the Gillie Senior Center in Columbus, demonstrates some self defense moves that are easy to learn and shares some simple things we can do to protect ourselves just by being alert and aware of our surroundings or modifying some of our simple behaviors.