Segment 1: Do you realize that nearly two-thirds of all visits to the doctor's office or hospital emergency room end with a prescription for medication, especially when the patient is older? Or that more than twenty percent of nursing home admissions are due to adverse drug interactions? Both of these statistics outline the importance of openly discussing our prescription drug use and needs with not only our health care providers and pharmacists, but also our families. Doing so can greatly reduce the risk of misuse and complications. Better communication about prescriptions leads to better health. Roland Hornbostel, Deputy Director of the Department of Aging, discusses why it is vital that we ask questions of our pharmacists with Ernie Boyd, the executive director of the Ohio Pharmacists Association, and Jarrett Bauder, a pharmacist with Uptown Pharmacy in Westerville, Ohio.
Segment 2: Most of us have a will, stating who our estate is left to or where monies should be given or donated. It is a legal document that is an important priority as we grow older. There are other legal documents that are equally important, but often overlooked. Individuals aren't always comfortable talking about advance directives or their wishes when it comes to end of life planning. However, the decisions a person makes regarding their healthcare preferences and treatment wishes at the end of life are extremely important. Doug Cluxton, vice president of education for the Ohio Hospice & Palliative Care Organization elaborates on these vital instruments and how easy it is to complete your own set of advance directives.