Court Reviews Challenges to PUCO Orders Granting, Denying Changes in AEP Electric Rates
Utility and Consumer Groups Challenge Different Parts of PUCO Decision
In the Matter of the Application of Columbus Southern Power Company for Approval of an Electric Security Plan; an Amendment to its Corporate Separation Plan; and the Sale or Transfer of Certain Generating Assets, Case no. 2009-2022
In the Matter of the Application of Columbus Southern Power Company for Approval of an Electric Security Plan; an Amendment to its Corporate Separation Plan; and the Sale or Transfer of Certain Generating Assets, Case no. 2009-2298
NOTE: The Court will hear separate oral arguments in the two cases captioned above. The cases are summarized together because both involve challenges to a 2009 order of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) that partially granted and partially denied electric utility rate adjustments sought by Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. Both of the utility companies are subsidiaries of American Electric Power.
ISSUE: Did the PUCO act unreasonably or unlawfully in approving certain electric utility rate adjustments or in denying other rate adjustments that were sought by Columbus Southern Power Co. (CSP) and Ohio Power Co. (OPC) and opposed by groups representing the companies' industrial and residential customers?