PBS is premiering a new documentary this Memorial Day following the contestants of the Ms. Veteran America pageant. The contestants are women from multiple branches of the military who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and are working to transition back into civilian life. The women featured struggle with issues ranging from PTSD and homelessness to military sexual abuse.
Join us today as we discuss women in the military and how they live after serving.
Sergeant Andrea Waterbury, Cavalier Cadet Corp instructor at Chillicothe High School and she continues to serve proudly in the Army Reserves
Master Sergeant Denyse Gordon, combat veteran and 22-and-a-half-year U.S. Air Force Reserves Master Sergeant, first Ms. Veteran America in 2012, director of Ms. Veteran America
Kyleanne Hunter, former Marine major who served from 2000 to 2012, research fellow in international studies at the University of Denver
Served Like a Girl premieres on Independent Lens on Memorial Day, Monday night, May 28 on PBS