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The State of Ohio - Senate Year-in-Review
HEADLINES: The budget passed nearly unanimously, a quarter of Ohioans got a tax break, college students got a tuition freeze, and there were big actions on gambling, strip clubs, eminent domain and corruption. But some have said it was a slow year at the Statehouse. The Senate leaders are here to revisit this last year and look forward to the next.

SEGMENT 1: 32 bills have become law in this first half of the 127th General Assembly. If this pace continues, the legislature will pass far fewer bills than in each of the last five sessions, when more than 180 bills were passed into law. Though lawmakers have passed fewer bills this first half of the legislative session than they have in a decade, they did do some big things. They passed a budget nearly unanimously, along with a property tax break and a freeze on college tuition. And they made key decisions on electronic gaming machines, strip clubs, eminent domain and corruption. But there are some challenges ahead. The president of the Ohio Senate, Bill Harris (R-Ashland), and Minority Leader Teresa Fedor (D-Toledo) are here to review this first year of the 127th General Assembly and preview the second.
January 4, 2008