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The State of Ohio - Kasich Makes Appointments to Cabinet
Gov-elect John Kasich has appointed two more people to his cabinet - retired Air Force Colonel Tom Moe will head up the Ohio Department of Veterans Services, and former Franklin County auditor Joe Testa will be his tax commissioner. Along with making cabinet appointments, Kasich says he's also thinking about the budget and the deficit - but also about a tax cut. Attorney General-elect Mike DeWine has picked current Public Safety Director Tom Stickrath to lead the state's crime lab.

House Speaker Armond Budish says lawmakers have wrapped up their work for the two-year session and are going home. The House has not formally adjourned, but Budish said he doesn't plan for House members to return. When they do, the Ohio House will be a different place. Two years after Democrats took control, Republicans took it back, and this puts the House's leaders in a unique position. They'll switch seats - the Speaker will become the minority leader, and vice versa. House Speaker Armond Budish (D-Beachwood) and House Minority Leader Bill Batchelder (R-Medina) look back and look ahead.
December 10, 2010