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The State of Ohio - Gov. Kasich's First Year in Office
This is the time of year when many of us look back on what's happened in the last 12 months and look forward to what's ahead for the coming new year. This week it's Gov. John Kasich's turn to look back on his first year in office. In every other administration since this show was created more than a decade ago, the sitting governor has done one-on-one interviews with reporters, both broadcast and print. This year is different - Kasich chose not to do individual interviews with the many reporters who asked, including me. Instead, he invited journalists to the Governor's Residence for a marathon press conference with a question-and-answer session, where he went over some of his accomplishments and outlined his plans for the future. Gov. Kasich brought up what he called his successes with the economy and JobsOhio, the budget and education, among other things. And reporters grilled him about the overwhelming defeat of Senate Bill 5, his rift with Ohio GOP chair Kevin DeWine, and his comment to lobbyists last year about getting "on the bus, or we'll run you over with the bus".

And the reporters of the Statehouse News Bureau, Bill Cohen and Jo Ingles, look back on 2011 and project ahead to what's likely on the agenda for next year.
December 23, 2011