H.B. No. 258
Rep. Carruthers
Increase fine for repeatedly selling tobacco products to minors
4th Hearing
Poss. Vote
H.B. No. 37
Rep. Johnson, Rep. Miller, K.
Increase the penalties for OVI and aggravated vehicular homicide
4th Hearing
Poss. Sub. Bill
H.B. No. 289
Rep. Robb Blasdel, Rep. Swearingen
Regards SORN law compliance; add new sexually oriented offense
2nd Hearing
Poss. Am.
H.B. No. 351
Rep. Young, T.
Prohibit abuse of companion animal corpse
1st Hearing
H.B. No. 328
Rep. Roemer, Rep. Plummer
Regards the sale of used catalytic converters
3rd Hearing
December 12, 2023