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Feagler and Friends - The Ohio Casino Plan

Bob Tenenbaum, spokesman, Ohio Jobs & Growth Committee

A new business group is pushing a new Ohio casino plan. Cavs owner Dan Gilbert and Penn National Gaming propose Las Vegas-style casinos for Cleveland and three other Ohio cities. They say they'll spend more than a billion dollars building the casinos and promise a tax bonanza for state and local governments. First, they'll have to win over voters who've rejected gambling issues four times, most recently last fall.


Chris Seper, co-founder, MedCity News; Robert Schoenberger, reporter, The Plain Dealer; Mike Roberts, freelance journalist.

UAW/Ford Concessions Deal:

United Auto Workers and Ford hammered out a deal that will trim labor costs for a struggling automaker while ensuring continued employment at northeast Ohio plants. Union workers agreed to give up some overtime pay and bonuses; Ford agreed to build new vehicles in northeast Ohio and to build more four-cylinder engines in the U.S.

Stem Cells:

President Obama this week reversed a Bush administration ban on federal funding for research involving human embryonic stem cells. Researchers think embryonic stem cells hold the key to new disease treatments. Critics of the policy object to the destruction of human embryos. Some cutting-edge stem cell research takes place in northeast Ohio.

Concealed Carry Permits:

Ohio's attorney general says almost 34-thousand Ohioans received permits to carry concealed weapons in 2008, a 50 per cent increase from the year before. Attorney General Richard Cordray says 140-thousand Ohioans now have a concealed carry permit. Meanwhile, local gun-sellers report a sharp uptick in business. They say their customers are buying guns for personal protection and out of fear Democratic majorities in Washington will restrict gun ownership.

Newsmaker II:

Coach Gary Waters, Cleveland State University: The CSU Vikings beat Butler this week to win the Horizon League tournament and an automatic berth in the NCAA Tournament. It's the first time a Cleveland State team has made the prestigious national tournament since 1986. Coach Waters has turned a losing program into a big winner in just three seasons.
March 13, 2009