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Feagler and Friends - The Cleveland Clinic
Newsmaker: Joseph V. Regano, superintendent, Solon City Schools. A group comprised of educators and teachers unions has opened a campaign for passage of a constitutional amendment mandating fundamental change in the way public education is paid for in Ohio. The campaign, called Getting it Right for Ohio's Future, aims to gather enough signatures to get the issue on the statewide ballot next fall. Mr. Regano will describe the changes the campaign envisions.

Roundtable: Chris Sheridan, editorial writer, The Plain Dealer; Mike Roberts, freelance journalist; Ned Whelan, Whelan Communications.

Getting it Right? The panel evaluates the proposed constitutional amendment for school funding.

Clinic's Image: The Cleveland Clinic is regarded as one of the nation's leading medical institutions, but the Clinic's image has taken a hit recently with the uproar over the killing of a dog brought in as an experimental animal for a sales presentation. The Clinic says it did not authorize the experiment. It is cooperating with a USDA investigation. Early this week trial was scheduled to begin in a lawsuit that followed the death of a Clinic surgical patient who was found to have had a towel left inside her during an operation.

No Smoking&But Where? There's supposed to be a statewide ban on smoking in public places, but what is a public place? Ohio Veterans of Foreign Wars chapters complained this week they should be exempt from the law because VFW halls are private clubs. But the rules apply because the clubs have employees. The organization threatens to take an exemption fight to a future ballot.

Most Women Now Unmarried: The New York Times reports 51% of American women are living without a spouse. Experts believe it's the first time that's happened. They cite a number of reasons: some women are waiting longer for their first marriage, many women live longer after being widowed, and many are living with partners to whom they're not married. Experts say it's part of a long-term trend that will change the way employee and social program benefits are distributed.
January 22, 2007