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Feagler and Friends - Sweet Severance Deals
Newsmaker: Mark Ira Kaufman, Physicist and Writer from Silver Lake, OH

Mr. Kaufman has researched and written about the long legal trail that led to the conviction in Germany Thursday of accused war criminal John Demjanjuk. He was convicted as an accessory to the murder of 28,000 people put to death at the Sobibor concentration camp where prosecutors say he worked as a guard during WW II. Defense lawyers are expected to appeal. The 91-year-old Demjanjuk is a retired auto worker who formerly lived in Seven Hills.

Roundtable: Harry Boomer, reporter, 19 Action News; Mike Roberts, Freelance Journalist; Ned Whelan, Whelan Communications.

More on Demjanjuk

The roundtable continues discussion of the impact of the court's findings in Germany.

Casino Owners Hedge Bets

Developers of casinos in Cleveland and Cincinnati have temporarily halted construction work pending resolution of a looming disagreement over how casino operations should be taxed. A constitutional issue approved by voters specified a one-time $50-million casino franchise fee, plus a tax of 33% on profits. But Governor Kasich thinks the state should get more. Developers say the Governor's stand creates uncertainty that makes it hard for them to get loans.

Sweet Severance Deals

The Plain Dealer reports the Cleveland schools have paid out nearly $5-million to employees who have left the system in the last year. Employees collected the money by cashing in unused sick days and vacation time, a perk that's rare in the private sector. State law allows employees to be paid for time accumulated during their last three years on the job.

Harllel Jones

former Cleveland black nationalist leader Jones died this week at the age of 71. During the tumultuous 1960s, Jones was prime minister of Afro Set, a local nationalist group that claimed to be about black pride. He was credited with helping Mayor Carl Stokes restore order after the Hough riots. But the FBI had other ideas, eventually charging Jones and others in connection with the killings of two police officers. Jones was convicted and later freed on appeal.
May 13, 2011