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Feagler and Friends - Sen. Sherrod Brown
Terrance C.Z. Egger, Publisher, The Plain Dealer

Staffers at Cleveland's daily newspaper are bracing for another round of workforce reductions. The Plain Dealer offered buyouts two years ago to staffers at least 50 years old and the buzz is that another round of buyouts is coming very soon. News of the workforce reduction comes after some literal downsizing of the newspaper. Page size has been reduced and the paper shortened. The Plain Dealer is one of many U.S. newspapers seeking ways to cut costs and boost their odds of surviving in a radically changing media climate. Mr. Feagler and Mr. Egger will discuss the coming changes and reader reaction to the downsizing.

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown

The U.S. Congress is in summer recess, but that means little rest for Ohio's junior Senator who'll spend the off weeks talking to constituents and working to advance the election chances of Democratic colleague Barack Obama. Brown avoided taking sides in the primary season, but spent part of the week traveling the state with Obama. Brown will talk with Mr. Feagler about the tenor of the Presidential campaign, the likelihood of renegotiating trade pacts like the North American Free Trade Agreement, and efforts to preserve Ohio jobs.
August 8, 2008