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Feagler and Friends - Residency Requirement Rejected
Newsmaker - Stephen Loomis, president, Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association:

The Ohio Supreme Court this week upheld a state law forbidding cities to impose residency requirements on their workers. Akron and Lima had challenged the law but the court, by a 5-2 margin, sided with the state. Public employee unions applaud the ruling. City officials argued the constitution's home-rule provisions should have allowed residency requirements.


Elizabeth Sullivan, editorial page editor, The Plain Dealer; Greg Saber, freelance journalist; Brian Tucker, publisher and editorial director, Crain's Cleveland Business.

Residency Laws:

The panel continues discussion of the residency law ruling by the Ohio Supreme Court.

County Reform: Local county government reform leaders put a new plan on the table this week calling for a powerful, elected county administrator backed by a county council with members elected from geographic districts. The proposal turns up the heat on a long-simmering debate over county governance. It drew immediate fire from another group of local leaders, including Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and Congresswoman Marcia Fudge.

Municipal Court Clerk:

Cleveland Clerk of Courts Earle Turner is defending himself against the perception he's not doing his job. A Plain Dealer investigation showed Turner is seldom in his Justice Center office and the paper says he's hired scores of employees without giving them a competitive civil service test. Turner explained his job often requires attendance at events and meetings outside his office.

Newsmaker II-Jim Kopniske, spokesman, Cleveland Museum of Art:

The art museum is about to celebrate the opening of a major phase of its expansion and renovation. The new East Wing will connect the museum's original building with a newer addition opened in 1971. It's all part of a $350-million renovation scheduled for completion in 2012. Mr. Feagler's interview with Mr. Kopniske will preview what museum patrons will see in the new facility.
June 12, 2009