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Feagler and Friends - Pet Protest in Westlake

Judge Timothy J. McGinty, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court-McGinty has long waged a losing campaign to end, or at least modify, the practice of 'straight release.' Under the policy thousands of people arrested by Cleveland police were turned loose for possible future prosecution. Straight release was intended to clear jail space by releasing non-violent offenders. But occasionally, someone freed under the policy goes on to commit a violent crime...perhaps more than one. McGinty says accused serial killer Anthony Sowell was one of those.


Connie Schultz, columnist, The Plain Dealer; Harry Boomer, reporter, 19 Action News; Bill Sheil, weekend anchor, Fox 8 News.

Death Row Inmate Freed:

Clevelander Joe D'Ambrosio is a free man after spending two decades on death row for murder. Judges ruled prosecutors tainted their case against D'Ambrosio by withholding exculpatory evidence. The state is appealing. The case aroused interest in new rules requiring prosecutors to reveal all their evidence to defense attorneys.

Obama to Push Health Care Rx in NE Ohio:

President Obama hopes to kindle popular support for Democrat-backed health care reform when he visits the Cleveland area next Monday. Democrats are busy tweaking a Senate-passed measure that the Congressional Budget Office says would cost $875-billion over 10 years, but that's without modifications. The final figure is expected to be higher. All major public opinion polls show people opposed to the plan as written.

Strickland Likes Innerbelt Bike Lane:

Governor Strickland has ordered ODOT to think again about adding a bike/pedestrian lane to the new I-90 Innerbelt bridge. ODOT had previously rejected the notion as too expensive and duplicative of existing surface routes across the Cuyahoga River. Biking advocates persist with their drive for a bike lane and they're finding some sympathetic ears.

Pet Protest in Westlake:

Animal lovers have been barking at Westlake police since an officer shot and killed a family dog they say threatened them as they answered a home burglar alarm. Police say several recent burglar alarms had brought them to the Westlake neighborhood including prior alarms at the same house. Protesters rallied at the house this week demanding better training for police; some even called for the shooter to be fired.
March 12, 2010