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Feagler and Friends - Immigration
Newsmakers: Jim Rokakis, Cuyahoga County Treasurer; Bill Ryan, president & CEO of the Center for Health Affairs. Rokakis says the Cleveland Clinic has failed to abide by a pledge it made a year ago to donate $10-million in cash and in-kind services to the Cleveland Municipal Schools. The non-profit Clinic, like other non-profits, is not subject to local real estate taxes, a major source of revenue for the schools. Rokakis will discuss what's happened, or not happened, since the pledge was made. Ryan, who heads a regional trade association for northeast Ohio hospitals, will make the Clinics case.

Roundtable: Joan Mazzolini, reporter, the Plain Dealer; Richard Osborne, editor, Ohio Magazine; Kevin OBrien, columnist, the Plain Dealer.

Kicked Off the Team: Mayor Frank Jackson has fired the man he hired to be Clevelands chief of Regional Development. Michael Montgomery was appointed, but never got a chance to start work when it came to light that hed been arrested for soliciting the services of a prostitute when he worked for the city of Oakland, CA in 1999. The search for a new development czar is underway.

Immigration Again: Whether you call them illegal aliens or undocumented workers, theyre at the center of a heated debate. Demonstrators supporting lenient immigration laws have taken to the streets nonstop in hopes of influencing the outcome of the immigration debate in Congress.

and much more...
April 17, 2006