Program Directory

Feagler and Friends - Health Care Reform Debate and Returning Jobs

Elizabeth Sullivan, editorial page editor, The Plain Dealer; Bill Sheil, weekend anchor, Fox 8 News; Brian Tucker, publisher and editorial director, Crain's Cleveland Business

Hanging up on Landline Phones

As many as a quarter of American households have given up landline phones in favor of cell phones or internet service. It's a trend phone companies have noticed, because they're asking the Ohio legislature for permission to stop offering landline service in communities where competing services such as cell phones are available. Consumer groups object saying some customers will lose important life lines.

Buckling Down on Those Who Don't Buckle Up:

South Euclid police officers have the green light to stop and ticket motorists who aren't wearing their seat belts. In most cities, police could issue seat belt tickets only if they first stopped the driver for speeding or another primary offense. Orange is the only other Ohio municipality with such a law.

Supreme Court Health Care Smackdown:

A three-day clash of legal titans will determine the future of the federal Affordable Care Act--aka, Obamacare. Hours of oral arguments over the insurance mandate and the constitutionality of Medicaid expansion were punctuated by sharp exchanges between the Court's conservative majority and lawyers for both sides. It's not clear whether the court will uphold the health care law, overturn part of it or all of it. The ruling is expected by June.


Leaders of the local visitors bureau, Positively Cleveland, have come up with a five-year plan for attracting vacationers to the city and making sure they have a good time once they've arrived. The plan suggests changes in transportation and signage to guide visitors once they've arrived on the North Coast.


That's a term meaning returning jobs to the U.S. that once were shipped overseas. It's an apparently growing trend in Northeast Ohio. Hundreds of manufacturing jobs once located in China have been relocated to greater Cleveland because of rising employment costs in China and greater efficiencies at home. Mr. Feagler will discuss reshoring with Daniel E. Berry, president and CEO and Bob Schmidt, Senior Business Consultant, both of MAGNET, the Manufacturing Advocacy and Growth Network.
March 30, 2012