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Feagler and Friends - Have Political Conventions Become Too Conventional?
Newsmaker: Justin Buchler, CWRU Political Scientist

The onslaught of partisan political attack ads took a backseat this week as the presidential convention season got underway. Hundreds of Republican delegates from across the country brought their balloons, streamers, and signs to Tampa as they celebrated the crowning of Mitt Romney as the GOP standard bearer. Justin Buchler examines the themes of this year's RNC and what to expect as we head toward the November elections.

Roundtable: Sharon Broussard, editorial writer, The Plain Dealer; Jay Miller, reporter, Crain's Cleveland Business; Brent Larkin, columnist, The Plain Dealer.

Moving Beyond Convention
Ohio's GOP All-Stars had their share of the spotlight in Tampa. John Kasich, John Boehner and Rob Portman all got their time behind the podium, this week, rallying the troops for the big showdown in November. It's a reflection of the pivotal role the Buckeye State will once again play in picking the next President.

Amish on Trial
One of Ohio's most reclusive populations was thrust into the national spotlight this week as 16 members of an Amish church group came to Cleveland to stand trial in a federal courtroom. These defendants are charged with committing hate crimes against other Amish by cutting off their beards and long hair.

School Administrators Flunk Numbers Test
The kids who traverse the hallways of Ohio's schools aren't the only ones who worry about report cards. It seems that some administrators have been fudging enrollment and attendance figures in order to earn higher ratings for their schools. Some state education officials have resigned in the wake of this scandal, and a Cincinnati superintendent was recently fired.

Owners Raise the Roof Over Reappraisals
After years of questionable property appraisals under the watch of former Cuyahoga County Auditor Frank Russo, some suburban homeowners were stunned by the new values recently assigned to their houses. Residents in cities like Cleveland Heights and Rocky River are still getting over the sticker shock of last month's reappraisals.
August 31, 2012