Program Directory

Feagler and Friends - George Forbes
George Forbes, attorney, NAACP president and former Cleveland City Council president:

Mr. Feagler spends a half hour with one of the most iconic Cleveland political figures of the last half-century. Known for his fiery, two-fisted style, the 78-year-old Forbes served as City Council president from 1974 to 1989 where he famously clashed with then-Mayor Dennis Kucinich. His tenure in city hall ended when he ran against fellow council member Michael R. White for Mayor, and lost. He left politics for private law practice and was elected president of the Cleveland NAACP chapter in 1992. Forbes was implicated in a 2005 investment scandal at the Bureau of Workers Compensation where he served as a board member. He pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges stemming from an investigation of board members accused of receiving improper gifts. Recently, he made headlines by lobbing racial bias charges against the city of Euclid for its treatment of an elderly woman who clubbed a fawn to death in her yard. He'll talk to Mr. Feagler about his long career and what he sees for the future of Cleveland.
August 21, 2009