Program Directory

Feagler and Friends - Firearms and Bars
Roundtable: Bill Sheil, weekend anchor, Fox 8 News; Ned Whelan, Whelan Communications.

A Beer and a Shot-could take on a somewhat different meaning if state lawmakers and the governor go along with a plan to allow concealed-carry permit holders to take their weapons into establishments that serve alcohol. Backers say dozens of other states give gun owners complete freedom of movement without incident, and so should Ohio. Critics claim innocent people could be endangered. State Senators have okayed their version of the bill. It's in the House now.

Kasich's First 100 Days-the century mark came earlier in the week for a Governorship marked by controversies over the make-up of his cabinet, collective bargaining for public employees, and privatizing the state development department.

Governor John Kasich credits his administration for submitting a balanced budget that erases a multi-billion dollar budget gap, working for collective bargaining reform and retaining major companies that might have moved out of state.

Out of Control Controllers-federal officials are working to regain public confidence in the wake of reports that air traffic controllers were found sleeping on the job, some literally. Another at the Oberlin regional control center was discovered watching a movie. Representatives off the FAA and the controllers admit this looks bad to the flying public and they're working to make sure the problem is addressed.

Newsmaker: Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer, Cleveland Clinic-all week, ideastream has focused attention on middle aging, the period of life immediately prior to old age. We'll get some pointers from Dr. Roizen about the right ways to set the stage for our winter years with an eye toward robust physical and mental health. We'll also see an excerpt from the WVIZ/PBS production, "MiddleAging: Aches and Pains," which re-airs Saturday night at 10:30 and Sunday at 3:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.
April 22, 2011