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Feagler and Friends - Cuyahoga County Government Reform

Representative Dennis Kucinich:

Given the steady parade of crises, it's been a momentous year on Capitol Hill. Congress has approved massive stimulus measures for the economy and bailouts for the auto industry. And it appears poised for debate on health care reform and global warming legislation. Given the sorry state of American car-makers and the resilience of the recession, is any of this working? And what's the short-term agenda for the House? We'll find out.


Bob Dyer, columnist, Akron Beacon Journal; Erick Trickey, senior editor, Cleveland magazine; Harry Boomer, reporter, 19 Action News.

Plusquellic Recall:

Akron voters go to the polls June 23 to decide if they'll retain six-term Mayor Don Plusquellic. A citizens' group led by attorney Warner Mendenhall mounted the recall effort alleging mismanagement of the city's business. Plusquellic and supporters say his record and vote-getting power speak for themselves and he's campaigning to keep his job.

County Reform:

Efforts to restructure Cuyahoga County government may be picking up steam. Local reform leaders met again this week and appear poised to launch a petition drive that would bring reform to the ballot in the fall. That effort would have to begin soon to meet a July deadline.

Supreme Court Nominee:

President Obama wants New York appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor to take David Souter's seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Sotomayor is the daughter of Puerto Rican parents and is the first Hispanic judge nominated to the court. The president called Sotomayor's personal story 'inspiring.' Critics label her a liberal judicial activist.

Newsmaker II--Johnathan Holifield, CEO, Urban League of Greater Cleveland:

The 92-year-old social service organization is sinking under a mountain of debt and is in danger of closing its doors. In fact, the group announced last week that it would close by the end of this week, but Mark Morial, head of the national Urban League, said he's working on a plan to keep the local office open. If it closes, the city would lose programs focused on minority job training and business development.
May 29, 2009