Program Directory

Columbus Metropolitan Club - What's the Media Feeding Us
We rise each morning with the intent to eat well and live a balanced and healthy life. But our daily diet consists of more than food. We are fed images and social messages that influence our size, shape and daily diet. How are we digesting these messages? How do the images affect us as adults and how are they affecting our children?

This forum entitled, "What's the Media Feeding Us?", addresses healthy, balanced living and how we adults and our children combat the imagery that bombards us nearly every minute of every day. How do we define ourselves and come to a normal, healthy image of our own body and of those around us?

Laura Hill, Ph.D. is the director of Center for Balanced Living and Sonja Stotz, RD of the Center will discuss how these messages detour us from the balance for which we strive. Their discussion will be accompanied by an extensive PowerPoint presentation examining the images we see every day.

February 27, 2008