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City Club of Cleveland - The End of DOMA in Ohio?
In June of this year, the United States Supreme Court declared the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the law barring the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages legalized by the states, unconstitutional by a 5-4 vote. Signed by President Bill Clinton, DOMA prevented same-sex couples whose marriages were recognized by their home state from receiving hundreds of benefits available to other married couples under federal law.

While the Supreme Court decision has been celebrated by many across the country, there is still strong opposition to same-sex marriage nationally and in Ohio. Discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people is still generally legal . While there are many employers, landlords and allies who have extended non-discrimination policies, in Ohio, it is still legal to be fired from your job, denied an apartment or refused service at a movie theater or hotel based on your sexual orientation.

Please join Elyzabeth Holford, Executive Director of Equality Ohio in conversation with Tim Downing, Partner at Ulmer & Berne and Board Member of the Human Rights Campaign as they discuss the future of DOMA in Ohio.
August 23, 2013