Program Directory

City Club of Cleveland - Marion Blakey, Aerospace Industries Association
Taking Flight: Aerospace and Aviation in America Today, and Tomorrow

From the jet age to the space age, air travel and aerospace innovations have made our nation stronger and brought Americans closer together. But today we're at a crossroads - will America invest in tomorrow's aviation infrastructure, like we did with the railroads and highways in generations past, or turn its back on a century of aviation breakthroughs? Will this summer's thrilling SpaceX capsule launch open up a new era of orbital tourism, or mark the end of an era when America led the world in space? Will policymakers rise to these challenges, or succumb to the gridlock that's grown all too common in Washington these days?

On July 27, former FAA Administrator and President of the Aerospace Industries Association Marion Blakey will share her views on these questions in a "state of the aerospace union" address at the Cleveland City Club. Ms. Blakey will cover the exploding growth in air travel in the United States (and the even more dramatic growth overseas) and the implications for security, commerce, and convenience of travel. She will also provide an update from the front lines of the budget battles in Washington D.C., where the specter of end-of-the-year automatic budget reductions (known as "sequestration") could wreak havoc on the air travel experience - and our aerospace economy - for years to come.
July 27, 2012