Program Directory

City Club of Cleveland - Is There a Future for Liberal Arts?
As the 19th president of the oldest private college in Ohio, Kenyon College President Sean Decatur has high expectations to live up to. But with the cost of higher education skyrocketing, a student debt crisis, and American families unable to keep up, is there a place for small, private, highly-priced liberal arts schools such as Kenyon in the future? Decatur will speak about the issue and fill us in on the direction his institution is headed.

Sean M. Decatur is the first African-American to serve as Kenyon College's president. He was appointed president at Kenyon after serving five years as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Oberlin College.

Decatur is a native of the Cleveland, Ohio, area where he attended Hawken School. He earned a bachelor's degree at Swarthmore College in 1990 and a doctorate in biophysical chemistry at Stanford University in 1995.
November 15, 2013