Program Directory

City Club of Cleveland - Annual High School Debate Championship March 19, 2007
The United Nations' obligation to protect global human rights ought to be valued above its obligation to respect national sovereignty.
Annual High School Debate Championship
Carolyn Baumgarten of Gilmour Academy vs. Kenan Diab of Hawken School
Sponsor: Baker Hostetler

Each year high school debaters from across the region vie for the opportunity to participate in this special event. The debaters square off in a Lincoln/Douglas-style format. Affirmative construction, cross examination, negative construction and rebuttal will all be strictly timed, and the participants are judged on logical, creative and persuasive arguments.

This year, Carolyn Baumgarten of Gilmour Academy and Kenan Diab of Hawken School will resolve the following topic: The United Nations' obligation to protect global human rights ought to be valued above its obligation to respect national sovereignty. The debates are always lively and the capabilities of the protagonists most impressive.

We hope that adults will attend this Forum and encourage the students to participate in the ultimate expression of free speech: the debate.
March 19, 2007