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All Sides with Ann Fisher - 11:00 AM - Ohio's Budget: What's In It? What's Been Cut?
At 7:56PM last Thursday, Republican Governor John Kasich's signature put Ohio's new two-year budget into effect. This 55.8 billion dollar spending plan, that passed without a single Democratic vote, is considered a "game changer," for Ohio.

Some agree with Kasich's final budget product, and commend his ability to close the deficit without raising taxes... but others strongly oppose his move to cut funding from various entities, such as local governments and schools. Today, on All Sides, we'll discuss what is in the final budget, and how it will shape the state for the next two years...


* Karen Kasler (Bureau Chief, Ohio Public Radio Statehouse News Bureau)
* Jim Siegel (Public Affairs Reporter, Columbus Dispatch)
* Bill Hershey (Correspondent, Dayton Daily News Columbus Bureau)
July 5, 2011