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All Sides with Ann Fisher - 11:00 AM - Harry Potter Phenomenon July 12, 2011
In the mortal world, Harry Potter was just a skinny teenager living with relatives that loathed him. But in the wizarding world, he was a celebrity- the sole survivor of a dark Wizard's deadly curse... He was known as "The Boy Who Lived."

Today, Harry Potter lives on in our culture, even as the final chapter of the film series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2" shows in theaters midnight this Thursday. Next on All Sides with Ann Fisher, we'll discuss the appeal and influence of this boy wizard and more today.

* John Granger ('The Hogwarts Professor' and author)
* Alex Benepe (Commissioner, CEO and President International Quidditch Association)
* Amy McLanahan (Assistant Manager, Hilliard Branch, Columbus Metropolitan Library)
July 12, 2011