00:00:01Convene Commiittee: Teaching, Leading, and Learning
00:00:04Roll Call
00:02:11Approval of Minutes
00:03:25Discuss: OAC 3301-56-02 Reading Achievement Improvement Plans (Possible Vote)
00:46:39Discuss: Adopt the Revised Reading Test for Ohio Teachers of Reading - ORC 3313.608(H)(1)(e) (Possible Vote)
01:22:09Convene Committee: Continuous Improvement Committee
01:22:45Roll Call
01:23:38Approval of Minutes
01:23:55Discuss: Financial Analysis and Oversight
01:59:16Discuss: Strategic Plan Core Principle: Equity
02:53:58Convene Committee: Integrated Student Supports Committee
02:55:34Convene Committee: Assessment and Accountability Committee
02:55:35Roll Call
02:56:29Approval of Minutes
02:57:03Discuss: Research, Evaluation and Advanced Analytics Continued
03:54:29Roll Call
03:55:37Approval of Minutes
03:56:24Discuss: OAC 3301-37-01 through 3301-37-12 Child Day-Care Programs (Possible Vote)
04:11:02Discuss: OAC 3301-32-01 through 3301-32-12 School Child Program (Possible Vote)
04:20:24Discuss: OAC 3301-35-15 Standards for the Implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Supports and Restraint and Seclusion (Possible Vote)
04:51:25Discuss: Strategy Updates
04:58:33Convene Committee: Executive
04:58:55Roll Call
04:59:45Ohio Teacher of the Year Acceptance of Gifts Privileges (Possible Vote)
06:23:02Convene State Board Meeting
06:23:19Roll Call
06:25:44Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
06:26:18Approval of Minutes
06:29:39Review of Written Reports and Items for Vote
06:30:24Equity Professional Development Opportunity
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