Governor Kasich, Department of Agriculture Director David Daniels, and Fair Manager Virgil Strickler deliver remarks on how "Ag is Cool!" in Ohio and present student art contest winners with awards. Governor Kasich presents the certificates. The First Lady and the Governor's daughters, Emma and Reese, present the recipients with a t-shirt and hat.
The Winners:
Asa Demange, Age 7, Versailles
Grace Draeger, Age 7, Lindsey
Regan Draeger, Age 11, Lindsey
Reegan Sheets, Age 10, Perrysburg
Jessie Abke, Age 9, Sidney
Logan Schlauch, Age 11, Big Prairie
Heather Remy, Age 17, Ray
Jared Draeger, Age 14, Lindsey
Marlo Young, Age 9, Cardington - "Director's Choice"
Matthew John Harris, Age 10, Powell - "Best in Show"