00:00:01Convene ORSC Subcommittee
00:00:19Roll Call
00:00:40Discussion of Proposed RFP
00:00:53Comments - Jeff Bernard, Senior Research Associate
00:02:25Vote on Proposed RFP
00:03:27Adjourn ORSC Subcommittee
00:03:32Convene ORSC
00:03:34Roll Call
00:04:12Swearing In of New Governor's Appointee Member
00:05:06HPRS Fiduciary Audit RPF
00:05:14Comments - Sen. Craig
00:06:21Vote on HPRS Fiduciary Audit RPF
00:06:58OP&F Fiduciary Audit
00:07:08Testimony - Randy Miller, Funston Advisory Services
00:28:47Q&A - Rep. Lightbody
00:34:19Q&A - Sen. Craig
00:36:49Q&A - Dr. Anthony Podojil, Governor's Appointee
00:38:35Comments - Ed Montgomery, Governor's Appointee
00:42:39Comments - Rep. Plummer
00:43:39Comments - Mary Beth Foley, Executive Director, OP&F Pension Fund
00:45:132021 Internal Audit Reports
00:45:25Testimony - Karen Carreher, Executive Director, OPERS
00:48:37Testimony - William Neville, Executive Director, STRS
00:49:42Testimony - Mary Beth Foley, Executive Director, OP&F Pension Fund
00:51:10Q&A - Rep. Lightbody
00:53:47Q&A - Rep. Plummer
00:54:17Testimony - Richard Strensrud, Executive Director, SERS of Ohio
00:57:19Q&A - Rep. Lightbody
00:58:25Testimony - Carl Roark, Executive Director, OHPRS
00:59:26Health Care Report
00:59:31Testimony - Carl Roark, Executive Director, OHPRS
01:01:41Testimony - Karen Carreher, Executive Director, OPERS
01:06:38Q&A - Rep. Lightbody
01:07:34Testimony - Mary Beth Foley, Executive Director, OP&F Pension Fund
01:10:37Comments - Jeff Bernard, Senior Research Associate
01:10:48Old & New Business
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