H.B. No. 196
Rep. Kelly, Rep. Carruthers
Regulate the practice of surgical assistants
7th Hearing
All Testimony
H.B. No. 652
Rep. Plummer, Rep. T. Young
To revise the law governing the review of patient information in the Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System, to establish requirements on the dispensing of opioid analgesics, to provide for a cash transfer, and to amend the version of section 4723.481 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on September 30, 2024, to continue the changes to that section on and after that date.
1st Hearing
Sponsor Testimony
H.B. No. 645
Rep. Fraizer, Rep. Holmes
To authorize the operation of remote dispensing pharmacies.
1st Hearing
Sponsor Testimony
H.B. No. 28
Rep. Wiggam
Regards stretcher vans, ambulances, and medical vehicles
3rd Hearing
All Testimony