Segment 1: There are some unscrupulous individuals who are intent on abusing or defrauding Medicare, costing the program to be out millions of dollars annually and resulting in higher premiums for Medicare recipients. The Ohio Department of Aging recently received a grant from the Federal Administration on Aging to fight Medicare fraud in Ohio. It's in all of our best interests to protect this valuable program for seniors and the disabled. In this segment, Kaye Mason-Inoshita, a Regional Ombudsman Program Director, and Bev Laubert, the State Long-term care Ombudsman for Ohio, discuss the fight against Medicare fraud.
Segment 2: Medicaid covers as many as 2.2 million low-income parents, children, pregnant women, seniors and individuals with disabilities in Ohio each year. The Ohio Attorney General's Office battles fraud in the health care industry through the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, which is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of health care providers accused of defrauding the state's Medicaid program. Lloyd Early and John Guthrie from the Health Care Fraud Section of the Ohio Attorney General's office elaborate on this important topic.