In re application of Firelands Wind LLC., Case No. 2022-0055
Ohio Power Siting Board
ISSUE: Did the Ohio Power Siting Board improperly grant a certificate to construct and operate the Emerson Creek Wind Project on 32,000 acres of land in portions of Erie and Huron counties?
In January 2019, Firelands Wind applied to the Ohio Power Siting Board for a certificate to construct an 87-turbine wind farm that would span across portions of 32,000 acres of rural lands roughly between the cities of Bellevue and Norwalk in Erie and Huron counties. The proposal has met with approval by some local farmers and local governments, and is opposed by others, including 19 landowners and the Black Swamp Bird Observatory.
The siting board conducted several hearings on the matter and, in 2021, agreed to grant a certificate to Firelands that allows up to 73 turbines, with a generating capacity of 847,000 to 952,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year. The board subjected Firelands Wind to 44 conditions to meet during construction and after operations begin to assure the project has a minimal adverse impact on the environment.
Opposing landowners and the observatory objected to the certificate. The power siting board denied their objections, and the group appealed to the Supreme Court of Ohio, which is required to consider this type of appeal.
February 8, 2023