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00:00:11This is Howard Chandler Christy's "The Signing of the Treaty of
00:00:15Greenville," which dates from, actually the painting dates from 1945.
00:00:21Even if you're watching this on television or seeing a clip of it on
00:00:25the internet, you're going to notice the scale of these paintings.
00:00:29That's something that is notable about historic paintings.
00:00:33Generally, you want these paintings to be on a heroic scale.
00:00:36These are large-scale pictures.
00:00:38These are not something you're going to be putting in your living room.
00:00:41These are large-scale pictures.
00:00:44Howard Chandler Christy, and now, we've kind of jumped into,
00:00:47now the painting again, remember the painting we just left Perry,
00:00:50ok, the battle is in 1812 and the painting was commissioned
00:00:53in the years prior to the Civil War and it was hung in 1865.
00:00:58Now you're looking at a painting that was completed in 1945.
00:01:03Howard Chandler Christy was a well-known painter, again, he's got Ohio
00:01:06roots, which I think is great.
00:01:09This isn't probably - if you've ever heard this guy's name,
00:01:12this is not what you're thinking of.
00:01:14Howard Chandler Christy is really well-known
00:01:16for inventing the Gibson Girl.
00:01:19Because when he was really young, he was a magazine illustrator, for
00:01:24Colliers, and Harpers, Scribners, and all the magazines in the early
00:01:2820th century.
00:01:29And he invented this thing called the Gibson Girl which was sort of a
00:01:34variant on the American girl, kind of, the idea of what a young,
00:01:38vibrant American girl looked like in the early 20th century.
00:01:42So he spent his early career doing that,
00:01:44and then he moved to, onto portraiture.
00:01:47So very few artists who do illustration work want to make that the
00:01:51limit of what they do.
00:01:52They all often want to bridge to other work.
00:01:55And what he bridged to was to, he bridged to portraiture.
00:02:01And he had a very formal training.
00:02:03Artists like Powell, the artist we spoke of before, a lot of 19th
00:02:07century American artists, particularly early 19th century American
00:02:10artists from the mid-century had a difficulty getting training, and
00:02:15many of them had to either make do with very little training or had to
00:02:20go to Europe to get training.
00:02:21By the time you get to Howard Chandler Christy you can get a really
00:02:29good arts education in the United States, and he studied in New York
00:02:33with probably the lead painter of the day, William Merit Chase, who was
00:02:38not only a great painter, but a great teacher.
00:02:41So he comes at this from a mid-20th century perspective.
00:02:45But you can see that really, the same thing is going on.
00:02:48You want to imagine, Christy has got to imagine for us this moment.
00:02:52Now what this is again for those of us who are a little not up to speed
00:02:58on our Ohio history, this is an event that took place in 1795.
00:03:04The Greenville Treaty is the treaty in which a, not a consortium, but a
00:03:14group of Native American tribes that had lands within the area that
00:03:19would become Ohio, make a treaty so that the lands, essentially the
00:03:24land can become the state of Ohio.
00:03:26That's what you're seeing; you're seeing the Treaty of Greenville.
00:03:28And it's after the Americans have won the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
00:03:35Now, again, a lot of historic research goes into this, and you can
00:03:38identify almost all of the main figures in the painting.
00:03:42So you've got, well when I was a kid we called him "Mad" Anthony Wayne,
00:03:47but we're just going to be nice to him today and call him Anthony
00:03:48Wayne, who is over here in the blue and white.
00:03:52This is the officer who is accepting the surrender of the Native
00:03:56American tribes.
00:03:58The Native American chief who is standing to the left, when you look at
00:04:03the painting to the left, is Little Turtle, who was one of the chiefs
00:04:07of the Miami.
00:04:10Way down here in the left corner is one of my favorite figures, from
00:04:14the period as he watches this scene.
00:04:17This is Leatherlips who was a member of the Wyandot.
00:04:21And then I think the other one is hard to see, but they've got sort of
00:04:25a tree trunk and they're signing something there, and there's another
00:04:30well-known figure, Native American figure, known as The Sun, standing
00:04:36there, looking over the treaty.
00:04:39So you've got this incredibly important moment in the history of Ohio,
00:04:44because, of course, if this, if the Americans had not won this battle,
00:04:48you would not have had the land to make it into the state of Ohio.
00:04:51So this is 1795, and we become a state eight years later.
00:04:57But again, we, you'll never quite think about this event in the same
00:05:02way after seeing the painting.
00:05:05The painting will always be sort of a lens through which you think
00:05:08about this event, and again, always, art works always have a point of
00:05:13view, so this is a point of view that is sort of
00:05:17pro-early-frontier-Ohio, and it is, Anthony Wayne is really the hero
00:05:25here, though there is a bit of balancing, because I think there is a
00:05:29real respect for the Native American tribes in this painting, and
00:05:34actual interest in identifying all the different tribes, and I think
00:05:38it's very important and shows a more of a mid-20th century view point
00:05:42than a, what would have been a, 19th century
00:05:44view point of that experience.
Note : Transcripts are compiled from uncorrected captions