The European Court of Justice's "Right to Be Forgotten" decision alarmed the digital and legal world last spring when it ordered Google to remove links to a Spanish newspaper's archive that a man claimed contained outdated and irrelevant information. Europeans embrace the right of privacy as firmly as Americans hold freedom of speech. Striking a balance, Google removes links by request on its European sites, such France's, while at times keeping them active on
This is one example of recent conflicts between the United States and other global powers over the questions of sovereignty and the free flow of information in the digital age.
A leading policymaker, Cameron Kerry, will address the present and emerging international conflicts over the matters of privacy and the Internet.
Mr. Kerry brings considerable experience to the subject. As senior counsel at the international law firm of Sidney Austin, he advises clients on how to comply with ever-changing global data privacy rules. At the Brookings Institute, he is the Ann R. and Andrew H. Tisch Distinguished Visiting Fellow in Governance Studies and the Center for Technology. Previously he served as the General Counsel and Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Mr. Kerry discusses legal developments in the online, globally connected world, and how those may impact legal jurisdictions and boundaries in the years ahead.