Program Directory

The State of Ohio - Working Elderly; The State of Black Ohio
HEADLINES: The tickets are shaping up for the hotly contested Republican primary for governor; Voters will now have to show ID due to a big election reform law.

SEGMENT 1: Thousands of elderly Ohioans have to work, but are in an unusual situation: If they're laid off, many don't get unemployment checks if the amount would be less than they're getting in Social Security payments. With Rep. William Seitz (R-Cincinnati), Wendy Patton from Policy Matters, and Andy Doehrel, president of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce.

SEGMENT 2: The Legislative Black Caucus put together their own "State of Black Ohio" presentation that they say would draw attention to issues that concern Ohio's 1.4 million African Americans. With Sen. Ray Miller (D-Columbus) and Rep. Tyrone Yates (D-Cincinnati).
February 3, 2006