Program Directory

The State of Ohio - Large Companies & Health Care; Bryan Flannery
HEADLINES: General Motors is cutting more than a thousand jobs at the company's Moraine plant next year; Franklin County judge ruled Tom Noe must place any past or future asset into a court-controlled account; Victims of sexual abuse gave emotional testimony before the Ohio House Judiciary Committee; Ohioans are bracing for higher gas bills this winter; Sen. Teresa Fedor (D-Toledo) says 6 of the 7 justices on the Ohio Supreme Court should recuse themselves from a pending charter-school case

SEGMENT 1: Some large Ohio corporations aren't providing health care for employees and some have employees on Medicaid. With Cathy Levine for the Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio & David Hansen with the Buckeye Institute for Public Policy

SEGMENT 2: Former State Rep. Bryan Flannery discusses his campaign for governor
November 25, 2005