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The State of Ohio - Judge Brown Appointed to Chief Justice's Seat
A condemned killer set to die next week is trying two strategies to avoid his execution. This week included April 15, a date that's been a lightning rod for Tea Party groups around the country and in Ohio. And some of these conservatives are headed to the state's highest court in their battle to drive holes in the federal health care law. Hundreds came to the Ohio Judicial Center last Friday to honor Chief Justice Thomas Moyer, who lay in state in the courtroom where he spent the last 23 years heading up the state's highest court the day before his funeral. Stephen Hollon is the administrative director of the Ohio Supreme Court shares his favorite stories of the Chief Justice.

Meanwhile, the governor appointed Franklin County probate judge Eric Brown to the Chief Justice's seat, saying since he supports his candidacy for the seat on the fall ballot, he might as well appoint him now. But Ohio Republican Party chairman Kevin DeWine says it's a slap in the face to Moyer's memory.

The two statewide officeholders vying for the Democratic nomination for US Senate met in their only full-scale debate this week. And it was a somewhat sedate debate - this final appearance by Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher and Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner may help explain why the polls are showing so many people are undecided about this race.
April 16, 2010