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The State of Ohio - Education and Elections
It was another week of politically-charged debate in the House and Senate, over bills on education and elections. The House and Senate both passed legislation to clear the way for the Teach for America program to come to Ohio, over the protests of some Democrats that the participants don't have the training needed for the challenge of teaching in low-income districts. And the House okayed a bill that would require all voters to show a government photo identification when they go to polls, which Republicans say will ensure the integrity of the vote. Democrats passionately argued against it, saying it discriminates against minorities, senior citizens, students and poor Ohioans who don't have photo IDs - and who often support Democratic candidates.

The budget isn't back in the headlines. Budget director Tim Keen has promised to explain the budget in more detail now that reporters, lawmakers, lobbyists and all Ohioans who want to see it can do so. And two budget experts have examined it as well. Neil Clark is the former chief financial officer of the Ohio Senate Republican Caucus, and Bill Shkurti was the state budget director under Democratic Gov. Richard Celeste. They were the chief budget gurus from their parties in the mid to late 80s.
March 25, 2011