Program Directory

The State of Ohio - Critics of State Issue 1; Ohio Democratic Party; 2006 Gubernatorial Election
HEADLINES: The race for the Governor's office loses one candidate. The Ohio Supreme Court was asked to halt state financing of privately operated charter schools.

SEGMENT 1: Critics are taking aim at State Issue 1 and an auto industry bailout plan with Zach Schiller of Policy Matters Ohio.

SEGMENT 2: Republican House Speaker Jon Husted's rebuttal, from a 11/11/05 State of Ohio interview.

SEGMENT 3: Is the Ohio Democratic Party in disarray? With Brian Rothenberg from the Ohio Democratic Party.

SEGMENT 4: A neutral perspective of the upcoming gubernatorial election. With Mark Niquette, a political reporter with the Columbus Dispatch.

CLOSING SEGMENT: A man on a horse at the Statehouse.

December 2, 2005