Program Directory

The Sound of Ideas - Sandy Hook Promise - Preventing Violence
After a mass shooting at a school or similar violence at some other public place, we're often left to wonder: Who could have seen it coming? How could this have been stopped? The survivors of the deadly 2012 Sandy Hook School shooting have an answer: Train folks to spot trouble early in young people and to intervene. We'll meet the parents of Sandy Hook and hear the message they're spreading in Northeast Ohio.

Rosemary Creeden, Associate Director, Trauma Services, FrontLine Services
D.A. Drummond, Assistant Chief of Police, Cleveland Police
Denine Goolsby, M.Ed, Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Nicole Hockley, Director of Communications, Sandy Hook Promise
Paula Fynboh, National Field Director, Sandy Hook Promise
Lolita McDavid, MD, Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, UH
April 23, 2015